Sunday 31 August 2014

Rural crime must be taken seriously

According to insurer NFU Mutual, the cost of rural crime on the UK's rural economy is up 5.2 per cent on 2012's figures, reaching £44.5m last year in 2013. The NFU creates an annual rural crime report based on claims data and this year's report identified a rise in cattle rustling and the theft of high-value agricultural equipment.

My advice of course would be make sure everything is locked away and as secure as is possible. 
Farm insurer NFU Mutual’s rural crime survey says the most common items targeted by thieves in the North East over the last 12 months were quad bikes, metal, and horse transport and equipment. Rural crime is definitely becoming more sophisticated and Northumbria Police must ensure that tackling and preventing rural crime is a priority.

The cost of thefts from farms across Northumberland and County Durham rose by 12% in 2013, costing the regional economy an estimated £840,000, compared with £750,000 a year earlier.