
Sunday 7 February 2010

Easington by election

An amazing day campaigning in Easington, County Durham, began with a packed Ponteland Branch AGM with everyone keen as mustard to get stuck into the campaign trail. We have so many helpers now in Ponteland as the election approaches...Gordon Brown is an amazing recruiting sergeant.
Then on to Easington to give Richard Harrison, the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, a hand in a by
-election he has got in Easington itself. It was a foggy misty day, but we joined Margaret Reid and her team of supporters who were taking the fight to the enemy in and around Easington.
Margaret, Richard and the team after a pub stop

The response on the doorstep was very good; given that Easington is a traditional Labour town, they were delighted to see us and very approachable. We found plenty of switchers from Labour in and around Nursery Gardens and Thorpe Road for example.
You can see things are changing in the North East when a labour bastion like Easington is welcoming to us, and our candidate Richard Harrison is clearly making a name for himself.