
Thursday 18 March 2010

Dog Tax now in Dog House

You know a government is in trouble when it brings forward mad cap schemes to be seen to be doing something!
A week ago the Home Secretary Alan Johnson was openly discussing the possibility of introducing compulsory insurance for all dogs. One week later after opposition from al parties and even Roy Hattersley (summed up in the attached poster) the idea has been dropped by Hillary Benn, Environment Secretary.
That must be one of the fastest u-turns in the dizzying history of this government.

Dog's dinner indeed. Alan Johnson is now retreating with his tail between his legs. More poodle than rottweiler. I'm sure you can think of a few more appropriate one Corbridge resident put it to me when I was canvassing on the weekend - "when he was a postman Alan Johnson must have been bitten by a lot of dogs to have this much against them!"