
Thursday 22 April 2010

Hexham Abbey Debate

Just back from the debate in the abbey where nearly 500 people turned out; a good evening - which was run very fairly by Graham Usher - with an amazing evensong service beforehand.
We were asked over 25 questions and scored a few real hits - particularly on local issues, support for local businesses [only Dr Ford and I are having our literature printed locally - the Labour party lealfets are printed by Trinity Mirror in Cardiff and the Liberals in Sheffield] and the way this government have run down our economy and starved our armed services. Dr Ford had a good night and came across well.
Best line of the night was Councillor Mattie Donnelly, who sat next to me in the choir stalls and said:
"I last came to this church 50 years ago. I was fined a shilling when I ate a sweet in the service." Then he leant in conspiratorily and said quietly, "Fancy a cough drop?"
Well done to the Abbey for organising this - these things take great organisation, effort and time and they should be applauded for this.