
Wednesday 28 April 2010

Prudhoe Church Hustings

The Reverend Charles Hope had gone to great effort to organise a Prudhoe hustings in his church in the centre of Prudhoe, and it was a credit to him that it went so well. Dr Shaw brought many of his students from the school. We were grilled for nearly 2 hours on all subjects from Deficit reduction, Hung parliaments, climate change, jobs for young people, global poverty, public / private sector work in the North East, gay rights, the loss of Tynedale, the role of faith and the Big Society / localism.
Best line of the night was when Margaret Thatcher was mentioned negatively [this time having caused global warming] I was forced to point out that "I know she is not revered round here but even she did not cause global warming". Also a nice man called Phil - who "lamented" the lack of Conservatives in the North East - did not take my £5 bet that the Conservatives would win Sunderland Central on may 6th. Had spent the day canvassing in South Prudhoe - bumping into Bill Garrett - and then in Stocksfield, and spent an hour in the Manors meeting residents.