
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Launching our Skills For Work Campaign

This week to coincide with Apprenticeship Week I launched my Skills for Work campaign. As a member of Parliament one of the things I'm most passionate about is vocational training and apprenticeships. I genuinely believe that training up the next generation of young people with the skills they need for work is the best gift we can offer, as well as the key to unlocking our country's economic potential.

The campaign has several aims, which I'll keep you posted about through the blog;

Encouraging more businesses to take on apprentices here in the North East;
Pressing the Government to expand work experience opportunities;
Encouraging more young people to consider the vocational route;
Working towards a cultural shift in the way we see apprenticeships;
and highlighting the work of local apprenticeship providers.

You can show your support for the Skills for Work campaign by emailing me at, or send me your ideas on what more can be done to make sure our young people have those crucial skills for work.