
Saturday 19 November 2011

Protect the Ponteland Greenbelt

There is an imminent threat to Greenbelt surrounding Ponteland and Darras Hall.

Your local Councilors and I believe passionately in maintaining the character of Ponteland and Darras Hall. That is why we strongly oppose the plan from Newcastle City Council to sprawl the city outwards towards our community as outlined in the One Core Statergy document, specifically Policy CS 1/2 - 5.25

Newcastle City Council wants to build 6,500 new houses on the fields that surround Ponteland and Darras Hall.

These plans have been put forward by the City Council as part of their One Core Strategy plan to build 36,000 new houses.

"Callerton Park:
5.25 Land on the Western Edge of Newcastle’s urban area between the A69 and A696 is identified as a Strategic Growth Area for up to 6,500 new homes."

I have challenged the Labour controlled Newcastle City Council to stop the plan and withdraw these proposals. I think we can all agree that over the coming years Ponteland and Darras Hall will expand – after all it’s a fantastic place to live. But this development must be led by our local community, ideally through the Town Council, and done sensitively to local residents.

What Newcastle needs, like many areas, is affordable sustainable development. You only have to drive towards the city centre to see a huge number of brownfield sites which could be developed, and areas where regeneration has stalled for too long or even stopped. What no one needs is the Council and big developers looking to make a quick buck off the back of a cash crop housing estate in the Greenbelt.

The Consultation is now open, please have your say HERE