
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Keeping Northumberland Whole - My thanks to everyone who wrote in to the Boundary Review

Yesterday the consultation about the proposed Boundary Changes closed. I am yet to find anyone who thinks it is a good idea to take Haltwhistle, the South Tyne and the South Tynedale region out of Northumberland and make them part of a Barnard Castle and Consett seat. This is nothing to do with self interest and everything to do with trying to preserve regional identities, at a time when we have lost our local Councils, and Westminster seems far further than the 315 miles away it actually is.
My thanks to everyone who wrote in or came to the Boundary Commission hearing in Newcastle and made representations. We posted or hand delivered over 20,000 leaflets to almost everyone in the southern half of the County, asking them for their views and input. I thank you all for your hard work and response. We find out what the Boundary Commission think next Year - but we have certainly given them something to think about.