
Wednesday 28 December 2011

New Years Wishlist

It is best to split this into 3 - local, national, and personal:
- A resolution of the Equal Pay claims that hundreds of women have against the Northumberland Council
- Better Broadband for Northumberland to begin to take shape
- A new school for Prudhoe
- Continue our efforts to combat fuel poverty in Northumberland and the North East
- For the Tynedale Olympics to be as good as I think it is going to be

- Euro leaders to grasp the Euro crisis and sort it out, preferably with a managed default of Greece and a greater role for the ECB
- Get more of our troops home from Afghanistan
- Our campaign for local banks to be approved by the FSA - The Local Bank of Hexham is on its way ...
- A resolution of the Arch Cru financial crisis, with a proper settlement nationwide to the thousands of innocent victims

- Continued health for one and all [I confess I put myself quite high up that list]
- Get back to racing weight and start riding out for a racehorse trainer again or take on a decent Triathlon
- Finally finish and publish my short book on prison reform and criminal justice

FANTASY: I know this is a wishlist too far, but it is worth a try..
- Ed Balls to learn some manners - he is the rudest person you or I have ever seen, let alone met
- Newcastle to qualify for Europe, in the last match of the season, in a packed stadium called St James Park
- Score a century at Lords, or even play there!