
Monday 26 March 2012

Big Meeting on Fuel Poverty tomorrow in Hexham

Tomorrow Westminster finds out what is going on in the real world when the Office of Fair Trading come to Tarset and Hexham as part of their research into remote communities.
Many congratulations are due to the Tarset Community Oil Buying Group, led by Mike Murray and the other Oil Buying Groups
The OFT are keen to hear the views of local constituents:
Full details on the OFT website
They are looking at how "the prices of many goods and services are frequently higher in remote communities and access to key services such as shops, banks and public transport can be limited.
Fuel prices, in particular, are a common cause for concern given that distance affects costs of distribution. Online purchasing may expand opportunities for broader choice and quality, but we also recognise that delivery can be problematic or costly. In other circumstances variety of choice may be restricted or the quality of goods compromised."
The short point is that they are asking for your views - please write in and make sure they hear what is really going on in Northumberland or go tomorrow to the Mart in Hexham.