
Saturday 1 December 2012

Lib Dems Greenbelt U-turn

Well another day, yet nother desperate attack from the Liberal Democrats in Northumberland.

This time Hexham West Councillor Derek Kennedy has challenged me tell local people what effect national housing policy will have on my own constituency. I am very happy to. Most of Tynedale and Ponteland is Greenbelt land which has had its protections enhanced by this Government.

Cllr Kennedy apparently says I should be “very worried” at recent statements by new Planning Minister Nick Boles. This is what the minister said "We're going to protect the greenbelt but if people want to have housing for their kids they have got to accept we need to build more on some open land."

I actually welcome the Planning Minister’s comments. He makes it clear we, the Government, are protecting the Green Belt. The land around Hexham and Ponteland, which we are fighting to protect, is Greenbelt land not open greenfield land.

I find it shocking that Cllr Kennedy doesn’t seem to know the difference between greenfield and Greenbelt land.

Our campaign to stop Northumberland Lib Dems from removing the Green Belt designation around Hexham and Ponteland will continue.
The Liberal Democrats will never be forgiven if they hive off our Green Belt to big developers. 
Councillor Kennedys personal attacks of course have nothing to do with the fact he is defending a very slim 200 Majoirty against the excellent Conservative candidate Colin Cessford this May.