
Friday 22 February 2013

Scottish Students hold an early Independence referendum and 62% vote for the Union

A mock referendum among students on Scottish independence has resulted in a large majority in favour of staying within the UK. Students at the University of Glasgow were balloted using the same question as will be used in the referendum itself, due next year.
When asked "should Scotland be an independent country?", 62% (1614) voted no, while 38% (967) said yes.
The two student unions, Glasgow University Union and the Queen Margaret Union, hosted the ballot boxes.
Five specific debates and hustings, featuring local and national politicians, commentators and academics, were held on campus in the run up to the poll.
My own personal opinion is that this will reflect the likely result in 2014 but I will be travelling to Scotland in the spring and summert for my own debates and to get a better understanding of why the students want to keep the Union.
Full story here: