
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Visit, understand and admire your national park! Then accept that Northumberland National Park is the best!

Environment Minister Richard Benyon, MP, was in Northumberland yesterday visiting the Northumberland National Park and helping to launch a nationwide campaign which aims to increase understanding of the work of the national parks and the benefits they offer for rural living and working, conservation, leisure and environmental services for the whole population. Sadly I could not be with him as I was in Westminster yesterday but I will be in the park in the wonderful community of Tarset, west of Bellingham, on Saturday night June 22 when I am helping to judge a food competition, and going to the brilliant pub in Greenhaugh.
See more details of the campaign and Richards visit here:

UPDATE: I forgot to add that Anne Marie Trevelyan and I went to the House of Commons National Park Reception last week - and that the details for anyone to have their say on National Parks campaign / their views is