
Monday 5 August 2013

Cycling saves u money, tackles flab, and gives you thighs of steel!

I cycle most mornings to work in London. I am trying to get more cycle lanes, stands and cycleways for locals and tourists alike in Northumberland. Last week I put in a special plea to the Highways Department of the Northumberland County Council to make a particular effort to safeguard and patch up cycleways in Northumberland. They are doing their bit and are going to make a special effort to make good all our particular cycleways. Our Coast to Coast cycleway is rightly famous and should be tried by one and all, ideally stopping off in or around Allenheads on the way.
One great politician with great hair, and a certain style, described his Sunday 100 mile cycle ride in graphic and funny detail yesterday and his tale bears repeating. Enjoy Boris at his best: