
Saturday 26 October 2013

Birney Hill recommended for refusal

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The application will be heard at Hexham Mart on Wednesday 30th October at 6pm. The meeting is open to the public. I have just spent the morning reading the report; anyone who doubts that the planning process is not thorough should read the document. It is an extensive appraisal of everything from government and local policies on planning, and a discussion of the merits and defects of the planning proposal; the conclusion is a refusal on the following grounds.
"1) The proposed construction of residential development on this site would represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt which, by definition, is harmful and contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy C17 of the Castle Morpeth Local Plan. In addition, the proposal would result in an inefficient use of valuable Green Belt land with a development that would average less than 3.5 dwellings per hectare. The applicant has cited a number of very special circumstances that they feel would justify allowing the development to take place as a departure from Green Belt policy. However, on balance it is considered that none of the circumstances cited by the applicant, either individually or cumulatively, would be sufficient to override the fundamental policy conflict in this case.

2) The development of up to 280 houses on open and undeveloped farmland which lies outside of the defined settlement boundary for Ponteland would

result in a significant urbanisation of the site and demonstrable harm to the landscape character of the open countryside contrary to the NPPF and Policies C1, H16 and PC1 of the Castle Morpeth Local Plan.

3) Insufficient information has been provided to allow for a proper assessment of the archaeological potential of the site contrary to paragraph 128 of the NPPF.

4) The applicant has failed to adequately demonstrate that surface water from the development could be disposed of in a manner which would not increase flood risk elsewhere contrary to the NPPF and Policy RE5 of the Castle Morpeth Local Plan.

5) The applicant has failed to provide sufficient information to allow the likely impact of aircraft noise on the amenity of future residents of the site, and the potential impact of the development on Newcastle International Airport’s Instrument Landing System, to be fully and properly assessed contrary to the advice set out in the NPPF."