
Thursday 31 October 2013

Tristram Hunt car crash Newsnight Interview
I have just watched the Hunt car crash last night on Newsnight ....its not a good week for the unqualified teacher who is the new Labour spokesman on education: click on the link above and you can judge for yourself, and the article is by an advocate of free schools, Toby Young.
Paxo asked the Shadow Education Secretary at least five times whether he'd consider sending his own children to a school that employed teachers without QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) – and we know he would because he told the Daily Mirror he would on Monday. But he refused to answer and ended up looking like a fool.
Hunt's difficulty is that the policy is absurd.
How can he insist that state schools only employ teachers with QTS when he was taught by teachers without QTS, he himself has taught in state schools even though he doesn't have QTS and – as Paxman knows – he'd be quite happy to send his own children to schools that employ teachers without QTS?