
Monday 25 November 2013

Westminster this week

Monday nights are always late night sessions till 10pm+, and this week we are debating the Water Bill. I have been asked to meet several people arising out of our campaign for local banks and one of those meetings this week is with Lord Glasman, the Labour peer. I also have at least 4 constituency casework calls to make today.

Tomorrow is Health questions, the second stage of the Gambling bill, and there is a meeting withChris Grayling's team to sort a visit to the north east. Tuesday is packed with meetings, and I am also being asked to speak in the horse chipping / fly grazing debate in Westminster hall at 2.30, but I will also try and meet with the Northumbria Police Federation who are in the commons that afternoon, even if only briefly.

Wednesday I have my debate in the House on skills and apprenticeships at11am, and then will speak in the debate on economy in the afternoon. I have meetings with the Alzheimer's Society that afternoon and then am seeing Education Secretary Michael Gove briefly in the evening.
Thursday is a Casework day in the office, and Friday we are again debating the European Referendum Bill of James Wharton, my fellow north east MP.