
Sunday 26 January 2014

Excelsior Academy, Mount Everest and the Asian Business Connection

Excelsior Academy is an outstanding school; it is proof that education can transform lives. On Thursday I was asked to attend the presentation on behalf of the 8 students chosen to go to Nepal for a Mount Everest trip this autumn. In addition, there were awards in favour of young and not so young entrepreneurs, who have been encouraged and supported in their efforts to start or grow businesses or local community projects. It was an inspiring evening. The event was sponsored and supported by the Asian Business Connection [ABC]. This is a group who do so much for their local community. There was also food afterwards in the form of a delicious Curry Night. You will not eat better food in restaurants.

I have paid £80 to buy each of the 8 kids a special woolly hat to combat the cold. They are going to need it. I was really impressed by the school - this was my second visit. There is no doubt that Academy Schools with everything that they do, the freedoms they have, and the educational transformation, are transforming lives. It was a wonderful evening.