
Friday 5 September 2014

Tynedale Cricket Match

We have had the final donation in this morning and so we have our total today for the Charity Cricket Match we held a few weeks ago on behalf of Tynedale Hospice at Home. The amount raised at this event is £747.75 which is a great achievement by all those who were involved.

Thank you for all the people who came along and supported Tynedale Hospice at Home. One of the top prizes was a very large amount of toilet roll from SCA - many thanks to them and also to Dipsticks who both sponsored the number of sixes hit in the game and also bought some of the toilet roll. After a great game Tynedale eased home by 23 runs. My thanks to all the players, Councillor Cath Homer, and Gary from Tynedale Cricket Club, in particular, who did so much of the organising.
If you have not booked your tickets for the next THAH event on the 14th October at the Queens Hall I urge you to do so.