
Wednesday 17 September 2014

Tynedale events this weeknd - sculpture, lions club auction and leek shows - something for everyone

Aside from the Hexham Music and Arts Festival there is also on Saturday the Wark Leek Show from 4pm and the Allendale Lions Club charity auction from 9am and Sculpture at Cheeseburn, a new venue for sculpture in the North East this Friday19 and Saturday 20 September

Please register here if you want to go to the scultpure exhibition or find out more about the centre for sculpture and contemporary art in the North East. The initial exhibition will include new works and proposals by David Mach and you will be able to tour the grounds at Cheeseburn and see work by Joseph Hillier, Andrew Burton, William Peers, Stephen Newby, Heidi Dent, Colin Rose, Daniel Clahane and Sarah Smith.