
Friday 16 January 2015

Great visit to Whitfield Primary school - a school with a bright future

Last week I popped into Whitfield with local councillor Ian Hutchinson, met the teachers, including head Judith Reay, and had a great Q and A with the children. I found the kids were really bright, eager to learn and full of questions. It is a good school, which initially struggled with the Primary transition, but I genuinely believe it has a great future ahead of it. The school is part of the West Tyne Federation with Herdley Bank, Henshaw and Greenhead - with Judith the executive head of all 4; she does a great job, as I have visited every one of the west tyne federation.  It was also good to take Ian Hutchinson back to the school he had attended as a local child, quite a few years back!
There is a nice report of the visit in todays Courant