
Saturday 24 January 2015

Otters seen on the River Allen And the Wobbly Bridge is back at Staward Gorge
Full credit to the National Trust who have followed up on locals reports and filmed the family of otters. There is no doubt the river is improving in its quality. Allen Banks is also home to kingfishers, herons and dippers. 

Another development at Allen Banks is the re-opening of the “wobbly’” bridge, that was utterly destroyed by the floods in May 2013. 
The National Trust launched the “save the wobbly bridge” campaign a year ago to raise funds to repair the bridge which had been damaged by flooding.
The work included re-pointing the abutments, installing new cables, adding new decking and repairing the footpath en route from the Allen Banks car park.
The bridge has been raised 300mm to help reduce the risk of similar damage happening again. Future plans also include re-surfacing the footpath south of the bridge and some stepping stones in the River Allen.
If you want to visit the Allen Banks and the beauties of Staward Gorge, and experience the wobbly bridge go here for directions and details. It is a beautiful spot, as the otters would agree...