
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Tynedale unemployment hits a 10 year low

There are currently 521 local people unemployed in the Hexham Constituency, representing an unemployment rate of just 1.4%. The national figure is 5.8%

Even pre-recession in January 2006 there were 628 people unemployed in the Hexham constituency, higher than the most recent figures.

In December 2005 there were 550 local people unemployed, 29 higher than the most recent figures, putting unemployment at a 10 year low.

The latest job statistics also show a fall compared to last year, and dramatic fall of 294 compared to December 2013.

More than three quarters of the new jobs that have been created since May 2010 are full time.

The number of unemployment people in Tynedale hit 1175 in January 2010. That has now fallen by 56%. 

These are very welcome figures and show our local economy ended 2014 in strong health. Tynedale was hit hard by the recession but locally we have really bounded back. To have unemployment down by 56% is quite incredible.

It makes a huge difference - not just for our local economy but for local families - to have unemployment down by 56% since Labour were in power. The decisions the government has made have not been easy, but
they have made a real and positive difference for people in our area.

Jobs are being created and salaries are rising, meaning that increasing numbers of people are feeling the security and hope for the future. Our local economy is healing and we can’t put that at risk.