
Friday 22 April 2016

3 key events in Ponteland next few days: school consultation, neighbourhood plan consultation + beer festival

Last night I went to the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation. It is brilliantly organised and the website is also superb - check it out here
I would urge anyone affected in greater Ponteland, which includes Medburn and Milbourne, to go:
Times at the Memorial Hall are:
Friday 22nd April 10.00-12.00, 2.00-4.00, 6.00-8.00pm
Saturday 23rd April 10.00-2.00pm

Saturday sees the school consultation - I will definitely be there, although I am juggling diary commitments that day. I have separately met or written to a variety of those affected. My views, and affinity to Ponteland Middle School, are well known, but for the avoidance of doubt I do not support the County Councils plan. 
Finally I must also plug the brilliant beer festival. I went last year and it is great fun. I drove past last night and Saturday looks like it has sold out but there are still tickets available Friday evening.