
Sunday 3 July 2016

Westminster this coming week: hustings, votes, Chilcot Report, constituents in Westminster

A busy week ahead: the main parliamentary event is the publication and then assessment of the Chilcot Report into the Iraq War. This has been a long time coming: more details here -
In other news there are hustings and then a vote on the future leader of the Conservative Party. I will be announcing my choice tomorrow morning, both in print, on the blog, and on BBC Radio Newcastle at 8.25.
I have constituents coming to Westminster this week both for the celebration of the Sill with Northumberland National Park, and some teachers from Hexham QEHS who are coming for the teachers institute reception. I am also meeting representatives of the Environment Agency, and regional business leaders in separate meetings.
There are clearly big issues happening this week but the day job goes on. We have multiple debates in the commons as well.