
Sunday 13 November 2016

Ponteland meeting about the library site, access to the town and NCCplanning at Henderson Court

Last Friday I was delighted to bring together the residents of Henderson Court so that they had a chance to have their concerns addressed. Quite clearly the many residents who attended the meeting do not want Northumberland County Council to demolish the library building, get rid of the community green space around the library and then build residential property next door to Henderson Court. Councillor Richard Dodd and I will continue to listen and help them make their case. If a planning application goes in then the residents will have a chance to object formally, and Richard will help them do so. We listened to the way in which the NCC developers / Arch have altered their proposed plans by agreeing to reduce the height of any proposed building, whilst preserving the present access area to the town, rather than making the residents go around via the dangerous main roa, as was originally proposed. Parking will now no longer be underground; and I have asked for the revised plans to be sent to the individual residents so that they are kept fully informed. After the meeting I chatted to many of the residents. The strength of opposition is very clear.