Sunday, 14 January 2018
Preparing our hospitals for winter
Winter is the busiest time of year for the NHS, with huge additional pressures on staff and resources. It is therefore great news for patients and residents that the Government has invested millions of pounds in our local NHS hospital trusts this winter, with Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust allocated up to £1,019,000 and the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust receiving up to £2,235,746. This additional funding, along with the most extensive preparations ahead of the winter season ever, will ensure that our hospitals are able to cope as well as possible with the pressures that cold weather and flu can bring. We all want to know that the NHS is there for us and our families whenever we need it, so I'm pleased the Government is giving the NHS extra support at this critical time of year. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who works in the NHS for everything that you do.