
Monday 18 March 2019

Heddon Aircraft Noise

A number of residents have contacted me over the last two years regarding the issue of aircraft noise over Heddon-on-the-Wall and Horsley, and I have had numerous conversations with Newcastle Airport management to try to resolve the problem. A public meeting has been arranged in Heddon-on-the-Wall to give residents the opportunity to raise their concerns and views ahead of the holiday season. The meeting will be held at the Knott Memorial Hall, Heddon, on Tuesday 19th March at 6.30pm, and I would encourage anyone with any concerns to attend the meeting to make their views known and to hear first hand from the airport what they are doing to try to alleviate the problem. Representatives from the airport team will be attending to listen to locals' views. I will be unable to attend due to commitments in Westminster, but if you have strong views about this issue please do go along and get your voice heard.