
Tuesday 9 April 2019

Intergenerational success!

I wanted to share with you a wonderful story featured in this week's Hexham Courant. Year 4 children at the Sele First School in Hexham have been receiving training in dementia as part of the Intergenerational Project launched by the Chrysalis dementia support group in Hexham. The project is based on the idea that young children and older people can be beneficial to each other, and the pupils have been working together with local members of the project to carry out gardening at Hexham's Adapt Enterprise Hub, planting everything from flowers to herbs. The supplies were kindly provided by Tom Martin at Wylam Nurseries.

This sounds like a brilliant project and everyone involved seems to have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Well done to everyone at the Sele and the Intergenerational Project- it is always great to hear about local people coming together to achieve such positive outcomes!

You can read more about the project here-