Tony Richards, [who lives locally, and is on the right in the picture], and who has responsibility for the Prudhoe factory and site, said: “We are delighted that Prudhoe Mill has won this investment which helps to provide new employment, safeguards existing jobs and gives support to the local economy.
“This project is the latest in a long line of key investments designed to improve the performance of our business, deliver significant environmental improvements and ensure that we remain on track to achieving a long-term, sustainable future for the mill.”
The company has also recently established a Graduate Accelerator programme, a scheme which guides engineering graduates through a two year development programme.
Mr Richards continued: “Coupled with our recruitment of 11 new operations staff, internships for three university students – who are working at Prudhoe outside of term time – and our long-standing apprenticeship programme, we are confident that our investment in our people as well as new production equipment will secure our future in Prudhoe.”
Earlier in the year SCA was named by Vince Cable as one of the UK’s top 40 manufacturing sites.
The full story is set out on the link below: