Two weeks ago I was delighted to open officially the Therapy Centre in Hexham - a restored workhouse on the Corbridge Road with 30 practitioners, a dozen therapy rooms, three studios, a cafe and kitchen.
The premises and the people behind them are the most impressive group of people I have met in Hexham for some time. Their drive, business sense, motivation and the quality of the therapy centre itself are superb. I urge you to go.
There are specialists in physiotherapy, natural pain relief, osteopathy, kinesiology, allergy and sensitivity testing, hypnotherapy, podiatry, chiropody, pilates, yoga, tai chi, Indian and Thai massage, counselling, and a whole host of beauty therapies.
The efforts of Suzanne, Duncan and Martyn have created a great cafe [top cakes - thanks], and a schedule of affordable classes and workshops.
What excited me most, however, was the fact that this therapy centre represents the missing fourth link in a chain of support that encompasses an individual's home, the hospital opposite the centre, and the care homes nearby.
Integrated care and support in a non hospital setting is the holy grail for all healthcare providers and this therapy centre is a vital part in the journey to that better place. We all want to avoid hospital or care homes, and maximise the body that we have got. The centre helps all these things.
Full credit to the landlords the Helen McArdle Care Group Ltd, who run the nearby excellent care home at Acomb Court, for enabling this restoration and centre to happen. It goes without saying that this also is job creation in a local town, with specific skill sets and flexible hours for local people. It met lots of the staff, and you could not fail to impressed by the enthsiasm of everyone from the team in the kitchen to the therapists themselves.
Full details / contacts here: