Pleased to say that, along with Tom Greatrex and Alun Cairns, and with all party support, we have formed a Parliamentary Committee on the issue of Arch Cru. I should stress that they are the chairs and the leaders as it is these two members - one a Scottish labour MP and one a welsh conservative MP, who have done most to champion the cause of the savers and pensioners who lost out due to Capita's incompetence.
We have a meeting with the FSA, who have been asked to come and see the group in Westminster at the House of Commons in 3 weeks time
Good to see the Mail on Sunday keeping up the pressure on Capita.
You can see their reports from this weeks edition of the paper. To the papers credit they have 3 separate pieces on this scandal, including one from the Finance Editor, Jeff Prestridge:
I have never before been described as "swashbuckling".....
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Jockeys Delegation coming to Parliament

Riding the great horse Lowlander, when I was bit thinner!
Looking forward to welcoming a group of jockeys to parliament on Tuesday for an hour long meeting. As the only qualified jockey, who can also ride against professionals, of the MPs in the House of Commons, I have great sympathy with their upset at the way the new whip rules have been brought in.
Will also be interested to get their views and opinions on how the great sport of horse racing is being run.
I am back in training, and running regularly, and hope to be fit enough and light enough to be racing on the odd weekend next year.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Haydon Bridge School in Westminster

2 Haydon Bridge High School Meetings in westminster this week:
- Met with the State Boarding High Schools Association in Westminster midweek, when they had one of their regular meetings with Nick Gibb, MP, the schools Minister. Also met one of the HBHS teachers, who had come to discuss the NASUWT pensions dispute, and much more besides. Have also been asked to come back and talk to the Haydon Bridge sixth form and do a Q & A session with them. I did this before the election in 2010 and am looking forward to doing that again.
Last time I did a Q&A with the 6th form I was really pleased that several of the students took up my offer of coming into the Hexham office to see what we do on their behalf, and also get some work experience in the summer.
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Pride in Northumberland and support for Schools
Spent the day running our Open Mnaifesto event at the Beaumont Hotel in Hexham, where 80 locals came and gave us ideas for the County Council - with key new policies on education, young people, planning, Pride in Northumberland, greater transfer of powers to local parish councils, older people and health, and economic development.
Big support for free schools - particularly the proposed school in Cramlington and all ideas to give Northumberland proper focus.
Also did a few surgeries and now home and with Strictly and the X Factor
Have to say that the girls behind the counter in my local Hexham supermarket are supporting Russell Grant in Strictly.
Big support for free schools - particularly the proposed school in Cramlington and all ideas to give Northumberland proper focus.
Also did a few surgeries and now home and with Strictly and the X Factor
Have to say that the girls behind the counter in my local Hexham supermarket are supporting Russell Grant in Strictly.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Busy week in the House

It's been a busy week in the House of Commons this week, I have given speeches on the Greenbelt, on the Arch Cru Compensation Scheme, Fuel Poverty and Energy Prices.
You can read extracts from my speeches by clicking here
I am up back in Northumberland for the weekend with a meeting with local NHS Health Chiefs this afternoon and a Supper Club tonight where the speaker will be the very impressive Dr Phillip Lee MP at the equally impressive Battlesteads in Wark.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Tynedale Hospice

Last week I was able to hand over a large cheque to the team at the Tynedale Hospice at Home, in Hexham. My thanks to all the people who donated for the Charity Walk - which we are going to do every year, but most especially the key companies who contibuted to this very special inaugural walk:
- Kilfrost in Haltwhistle
- Agma in Haltwhistle
- Egger in Hexham
- SCA in Prudhoe
The amazing thing about Tynedale is that everyone pulls together to help each other. Handing over the cheque made me one very proud MP indeed!
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Prudhoe Community

With Yvonne Probert and Councillor Anne Dale outside the new Library building that will become the new heart of Prudhoe and a great community hub. These two ladies do so much for the town, but huge credit must go to everyone behind the Prudhoe Community Partnership, not least the Reverend Charles Hope, and the team. Prudhoe has a strong Town Council and a real sense of community spirit.
Prudhoe is a very exciting place to be at the moment, with lots happening, and with the prospect of a brand new High School things could soon be even better!
Friday, 14 October 2011
A Sporting Weekend ... on Saturday we will all be Welsh for 2 hours!

A massive weekend
i). Get up early Saturday and cheer on Wales to beat the French.
Remember your Celtic ancestors - we all have some, however far back we have to go. Mine is a wonderful Welsh grandmother - an NHS Matron and tough as teak. Any team that beats the French is a good team in my view.
ii). Sunday: Newcastle v Spurs - a big game. 4 pm - don't miss it.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
The Need for Buses
I was pleased to get the chance to speak in the House of Commons on the provision of bus services - which is a key issue in rural and urban Northumberland
As always my speeches are available on They Work For You at
We have been working hard on sorting out the provision of buses in Prudhoe, and supporting the Adapt Dial A Ride Scheme and I was delighted to applaud the work of the NCC Bus working group and the efforts of the Carr family and other public transport champions [even if the stenographer spelt their name wrong]
The importance of rural buses was also demonstrated [in the wrong way] by this story concerning the Kielder Marathon, which was organised so successfully last Sunday by Northumbria Water and Steve Cram.
I am sure there is a joke there about how you run 20 miles of a marathon and then decide that Northumberlands buses are actually better but I will have to raise that at the next House of Commons Bus debate.
As always my speeches are available on They Work For You at
We have been working hard on sorting out the provision of buses in Prudhoe, and supporting the Adapt Dial A Ride Scheme and I was delighted to applaud the work of the NCC Bus working group and the efforts of the Carr family and other public transport champions [even if the stenographer spelt their name wrong]
The importance of rural buses was also demonstrated [in the wrong way] by this story concerning the Kielder Marathon, which was organised so successfully last Sunday by Northumbria Water and Steve Cram.
I am sure there is a joke there about how you run 20 miles of a marathon and then decide that Northumberlands buses are actually better but I will have to raise that at the next House of Commons Bus debate.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Boundary Changes - Make Your Voice Heard
I am asking local residents to get involved in the Boundary Commission's proposals, which could see huge changes to our local area. I am in favour in cutting the number of MPs - saving the public purse £12million when money is tight is a good thing.
However the draft proposals for our area don't seem very sensible.
Indeed the proposals have a dramatic effect on the existing Hexham Constituency, removing the divisions of South Tynedale, Haltwhistle and Ponteland East. Haltwhistle and South Tynedale would be would be placed into a newly created ‘Consett and Barnard Castle’ constituency stretching from Hadrians Wall to the Yorkshire Dales, whilst Ponteland East would be split literally in two and transferred into the Berwick upon Tweed constituency.
The proposed changes will be finalised in 2013 but will be taken into full effect in the next general election of 2015 if they are not challenged.
After consulting with local residents I am fighting the changes, and putting in alternative proposals. It would be a terrible idea to divide the town of Ponteland and to lump Haltwhistle and South Tynedale into a constituency which runs to the Yorkshire Border. Many residents have been in touch to criticise the proposals and I have to say I agree with them. I will do all I can to protect our constituency but I need your help.
There are three easy ways in which you can voice your views.
You can simply write a letter to express your views to: The Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQ.
Alternatively you can e-mail
or do it via the website HERE
The deadline for this is 5th December 2011. For most effect you should make specific objections.
I would urge anyone who cares about our community and the local ties we have to make their feelings known to the Commission.
However the draft proposals for our area don't seem very sensible.
Indeed the proposals have a dramatic effect on the existing Hexham Constituency, removing the divisions of South Tynedale, Haltwhistle and Ponteland East. Haltwhistle and South Tynedale would be would be placed into a newly created ‘Consett and Barnard Castle’ constituency stretching from Hadrians Wall to the Yorkshire Dales, whilst Ponteland East would be split literally in two and transferred into the Berwick upon Tweed constituency.
The proposed changes will be finalised in 2013 but will be taken into full effect in the next general election of 2015 if they are not challenged.
After consulting with local residents I am fighting the changes, and putting in alternative proposals. It would be a terrible idea to divide the town of Ponteland and to lump Haltwhistle and South Tynedale into a constituency which runs to the Yorkshire Border. Many residents have been in touch to criticise the proposals and I have to say I agree with them. I will do all I can to protect our constituency but I need your help.
There are three easy ways in which you can voice your views.
You can simply write a letter to express your views to: The Boundary Commission for England, 35 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BQ.
Alternatively you can e-mail
or do it via the website HERE
The deadline for this is 5th December 2011. For most effect you should make specific objections.
I would urge anyone who cares about our community and the local ties we have to make their feelings known to the Commission.

Monday, 10 October 2011
Efforts to combat fuel poverty

Veterans in Action and MOD Mental Health campaign
Regular readers will know that I am a big supporter of the charity VIA = Veterans in Action. They fill a a big gap which exists between the actions of the MOD and the charity Combat Stress. VIA help members of the armed services reintegrate into society + assist ex sevicemen to come to terms with their traumas.
VIA can be found on their website:
If you are interested in heping our troops get in touch with VIA
To their credit the MOD are doing more to highlight the difficulties that so many of our troops suffer - often many many years after their discharge.
The MOD film can be seen on the BBC:
VIA can be found on their website:
If you are interested in heping our troops get in touch with VIA
To their credit the MOD are doing more to highlight the difficulties that so many of our troops suffer - often many many years after their discharge.
The MOD film can be seen on the BBC:
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Back to Westminster
After 5 days up in Northumberland I am heading back to Westminster for the return of the House of Commons. Really looking forward to getting back in action although there is a packed agenda and lots to do
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Grassroots North East - Social Action in Prudhoe

Taken at our recent social action day in Prudhoe, where a group of 8 volunteers gave up their time to help do up the Prudhoe Community Allotment. Our thanks to the amazing Joan Russell who allowed us to come along and help out.
Grassroots North East exists to promote, conserve and enhance the green spaces in our communities, by working with independent community groups, providing volunteers and skills. Uniquely Grassroots aims to bring together young people [and any other available volunteers] to deliver our programme of social action.
We first established Grassroots by organising members of Hexham Conservative Future to help out with small community projects. Now Grassroots has grown to develop and manage volunteers at three key projects across the North East.
Grassroots is a formally established volunteer group. If you would like to join and get involved please email me or call 01434 603777. If you have not been to the Prudhoe Allotment GO!
Friday, 7 October 2011
Women and Football - another own goal by the FA who do not believe in equality
Football at the Manchester United training ground = great BUT Tracey Crouch MP is both a member of parliament for Chatham and a woman. The Football Association has neolithic rules that say a woman cannot play alongside men and refused to be involved.
We ignored these rules and gladly had Tracey on the left wing. She plays very well. It is just sad that the FA is still in the 1860's
Steve Jobs RIP

Steve Jobs RIP. The man was a legend, an innovator, a modern industrialist and will be much missed. Truly a man who changed the world.
His speech to Stanford University gives you an idea of the humanity and empathy this great man had, watch it on youtube here.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Ponteland Supper Club
Just home tonight after a great evening in Ponteland where over 70 people came for dinner at the Golf Club and paid good money to eat Chef Alan's excellent food and hear me speak.
It was a great night. I spoke about many things not least the boundary changes that would split Ponteland in two [I will blog about the boundary changes in more detail in the next 2 days].
I was asked questions on everything from my recent trip to Beirut and the Syrian sanctions, to the Human Rights Act, to the economy, to defence cuts, to boundary changes, and bin clearance.
If John Prescott is reading the blog it is true that I told a couple of jokes at his expense...but it was done after making clear that we missed him as a character in politics.
It was a great night. I spoke about many things not least the boundary changes that would split Ponteland in two [I will blog about the boundary changes in more detail in the next 2 days].
I was asked questions on everything from my recent trip to Beirut and the Syrian sanctions, to the Human Rights Act, to the economy, to defence cuts, to boundary changes, and bin clearance.
If John Prescott is reading the blog it is true that I told a couple of jokes at his expense...but it was done after making clear that we missed him as a character in politics.
Hexham Hospital Visit

Hexham Hospital is an amazing place - went there yesterday as Vera Lonsdale, a lovely lady of advanced years [I cannot tell her age, as she is a good friend of mine] was in ward 3 recovering from surgery to her left knee. I had a good chat with the nurses, who run a great ward [as do all the hospital staff] and took Vera a bunch of flowers. We all wish her well, and thank the Lord we have such a great hospital on our doorstep.
That having been said I have to congratulate the team behind the new Hospital that is being built at Cramlington for getting their plan approved by planning. The quality of the healthcare in Northumberland and Newcastle is outstanding.
Hospital Visit
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
BBC Radio and Camerons speech

Up at 6am for a surgery locally and then did a live radio interview with BBC Radio Newcastle in a field, parked up by the side of a country road after a home visit - on my mobile phone - bizarre!
You can listen here, from about 2hrs 18mins in:
Then later fround time to listen to Cameron's speech. Full text here:
The key section for me was this:
"When a balanced economy needs workers with skills, we need to end the old snobbery about vocational education and training. We’ve provided funding for 250,000 extra apprenticeships – but not enough big companies are delivering.
So here’s a direct appeal: If you want skilled employees, we’ll provide the funding, we’ll cut the red tape. But you’ve got to show more leadership and give us the apprenticeships we need."
"you know, we’ve been told we were finished before.
They said when we lost an Empire that we couldn’t find a role. But we found a role, took on communism and helped bring down the Berlin Wall. They called our economy the sick man of Europe. But we came back and turned this country into a beacon of enterprise.
No, Britain never had the biggest population, the largest land mass, the richest resources, but we had the spirit. Remember: it’s not the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Overcoming challenge, confounding the sceptics, reinventing ourselves, this is what we do. It’s called leadership.
Let’s turn this time of challenge into a time of opportunity. Not sitting around, watching things happen and wondering why. But standing up, making things happen and asking why not."
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Tuesday in Manchester
Last night I spoke at events, notably at the UK Manufacturing Event, organised by many contributors including the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Barclays and Dodds, and also briefly spoke at the Woodland Trust event on Forestry, and met with Clive Aslet, Editor of Country Life,
I also had good meetings with:
1. Northumbrian Water
2. The Green Alliance, who have agreed that the Hexham constituency is to be a pilot project for the Green Deal, with a regional seminar in November with lots of the energy companies and the key environmental groups + interested parties coming along
3. The Local Northumberland NHS representatives, with whom we are working together more and more
4. Multiple MPs and the Gateshead Conservatives,
I also had meeting with the following specific organisations / People:
- Carillion re warm front and green deal
- The Patients Association
- Veterans International Representatives, who we are working with more and more
- Calor Gas re LPG
- James Ramsbotham, of NECC, Martin Callanan MEP, and Mayor Linda Arkley at the ANEC Fringe meeting
and too many more to name!
PS also played football at the Man United training ground for the House of Commons v the press - a great experience to play on the ground where Best, Keane, Beckham and others played
I also had good meetings with:
1. Northumbrian Water
2. The Green Alliance, who have agreed that the Hexham constituency is to be a pilot project for the Green Deal, with a regional seminar in November with lots of the energy companies and the key environmental groups + interested parties coming along
3. The Local Northumberland NHS representatives, with whom we are working together more and more
4. Multiple MPs and the Gateshead Conservatives,
I also had meeting with the following specific organisations / People:
- Carillion re warm front and green deal
- The Patients Association
- Veterans International Representatives, who we are working with more and more
- Calor Gas re LPG
- James Ramsbotham, of NECC, Martin Callanan MEP, and Mayor Linda Arkley at the ANEC Fringe meeting
and too many more to name!
PS also played football at the Man United training ground for the House of Commons v the press - a great experience to play on the ground where Best, Keane, Beckham and others played
Monday, 3 October 2011
Monday in Manchester
Early start for a football match against the Press at the Man U training ground then a clean up before a packed day featuring:
Meeting with Association of North East Councils, followed by an NHS fringe meeting. Then off to listen to Jeremy Hunt on Broadband provision and speaking on fuel poverty and energy at another fringe event. Will try and take in the Woodland Trusts event on forestry before a working dinner in a chinese restaurant with various of the key players in the North East including Heidi Mottram, who runs Northumbria Water, and some of the key representatives of the NE NHS. Looking forward to it.
Meeting with Association of North East Councils, followed by an NHS fringe meeting. Then off to listen to Jeremy Hunt on Broadband provision and speaking on fuel poverty and energy at another fringe event. Will try and take in the Woodland Trusts event on forestry before a working dinner in a chinese restaurant with various of the key players in the North East including Heidi Mottram, who runs Northumbria Water, and some of the key representatives of the NE NHS. Looking forward to it.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
The state of Syria
I was unable to travel to Syria recently as the country is simply not open to westerners.
The army is slowly deserting, and there are reports of many murders there every day.
Syria's leading cartoonist was badly assaulted recently when he composed a cartoon showing President Assad hitching a lift out of town with Colonel Gaddafi. Mr Ali Farwat, a Damascus cartoonist, had his writing / drawing arm and several fingers broken in a fairly explicit message not to mess with the government.
Newspaper reports show widespread problems by reason of the oil embargo, and price rises for many goods, as unofficial sanctions kicked in. It remains to be seen whether the UN will authorise offical sanctions. The approach in Beirut was clearly one of passive engagement, as the Lebanese Prime minister stated that, "we are going to have to apply sanctions against Syria in case they are issued," but added, "I am not against Syria. I want to protect Lebanon."
More recently there were widespread reports of the US Ambassador being attacked in Syria.
The army is slowly deserting, and there are reports of many murders there every day.
Syria's leading cartoonist was badly assaulted recently when he composed a cartoon showing President Assad hitching a lift out of town with Colonel Gaddafi. Mr Ali Farwat, a Damascus cartoonist, had his writing / drawing arm and several fingers broken in a fairly explicit message not to mess with the government.
Newspaper reports show widespread problems by reason of the oil embargo, and price rises for many goods, as unofficial sanctions kicked in. It remains to be seen whether the UN will authorise offical sanctions. The approach in Beirut was clearly one of passive engagement, as the Lebanese Prime minister stated that, "we are going to have to apply sanctions against Syria in case they are issued," but added, "I am not against Syria. I want to protect Lebanon."
More recently there were widespread reports of the US Ambassador being attacked in Syria.
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