Fascinating article on the Corbynisation of the Labour Party by the Guardians political editor. Both the Guardian and labour backbenchers:
-"The eggs are broken + Labour will end up having to serve some scrambled version of radical left politics"
This final paragraph is damning:
"Labour is certainly on a long-haul flight to somewhere and MPs are still suffering from jet lag. They are accustomed to politics that meets the deadline of wooing voters in time for an election. That would require dealing with the well-documented reasons why the party lost last May: lack of trust on the economy, immigration, benefits, leadership. But that task hasn’t even begun in earnest. Instead, all sides are consumed by a slow-motion, introspective war of attrition for control of the agenda. It is the kind of combat that Corbyn and his allies know well, while their fidgety opponents are still adjusting to the pace. Those impatient for effective opposition need to reset their watches. Labour isn’t just out of synch with the country. It has landed in a different political time zone."
The full article is here:http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/19/jeremy-corbyn-race-control-labour-party