The Great British Spring Clean follows on from last year’s very successful Clean for The Queen campaign and brings together many of the anti-litter organisations in the UK. Costa Coffee, McDonald’s and LIDL are just a few of the companies also supporting the initiative.
Community groups including parish councils, residents’ associations, Girl guides and brownies and Scout and Cub troops are encouraged to organise their own litter pick or event in the coming weeks or over the campaign’s big clean weekend over 3-5 March.
I wanted to help with The Great British Spring Clean as it is really important to encourage people to go out and clean up their communities. The initiative also provides a useful opportunity to raise awareness of the problems litter causes.
I am really keen that people in Tynedale get behind this campaign. It does not take much, and the impact is tremendous. I will be out litter picking, over the 3-5 March weekend, and hope to see as many people there as possible.
You can find more information of how you can get involved: http://www.greatbritishspringclean.org.uk/home/2684