Yesterday was
Sport Relief, and as of last night an incredible £38 million had been raised
for charitable causes. The event helps vulnerable people in the UK and around
the world, and thanks to the extraordinary fundraising achievements of people
all over the country, this year’s Sport Relief once again looks set to change lives.
Since the last Sport Relief event in 2016, money raised has treated over
900,000 people across Africa with anti-malarial drugs, helped over 3.4 million
people in Africa through maternal, neonatal and child health funding, and
helped more than 50,000 people in the UK living with a mental health problem. I
know that fundraising events took place all over the constituency, in schools,
businesses, communities and beyond, and I would like to congratulate everyone
who raised money for this fantastic cause for their brilliant efforts. You
really have made a difference to so many people.