Today I was delighted to welcome Kate Edwards and her colleague Alison to the House of Commons, when they attended the National Lottery event promoted by Camelot. Seven Stories is a national lottery success story:
http://www.sevenstories.org.uk/ and is the National Centre for Children’s Books. They select original artwork and manuscripts - from first scribbles to finished work - to make our exhibitions, events and learning programmes. As they make clear: their seventh year exceeded all expectations, including todays trip to the Commons. Seven Stories is a registered charity and relies upon grants and voluntary donations. Please check out their website. I am holding the wonderful book, "The Tiger who came to Tea", which the ladies brought down to explain their point. They are a fundraising and literacy success that is an excellent use of public and other money. I will finish with the following quote from their website:
"Seven Stories is the only place in the UK dedicated to the art of children’s books, and one of just a few such places in the world. We welcome over 70,000 visitors a year and there is something to enjoy 360 days a year. Everything we do inspires children and grownups to choose, share, read and enjoy the best children’s literature. We attract some of the biggest names in children’s literature to work with us to stage exhibitions and to take part in events."